to inspire people to live a life of impact that has eternal purpose

Logan Joshua Schaer was called home to meet his savior on May 30th 2022. During his almost 18 years on this side of heaven, Logan was a bright light who made this world better. Our mission is to carry on his legacy and to do it in true Logan fashion- with style, fresh kicks, and trucker hats.

Growing up, Logan faced medical conditions which caused him to be smaller in stature than others his age, but he made up for every bit of his size with his larger than life personality and undeniable charm. His contagious joy, boldness, and confidence commanded the attention in every room he entered, yet it was always the desire of his heart for all of the others in the room to be the ones who felt genuinely seen, known and loved. He made the unseen feel once again noticed. The unloved were made to feel special. He put the forgotten at front and center. The marginalized felt truly valued. Even at his young age, he not only had the gift but the obedience to truly see people through our Fathers’ eyes. He met and loved people right where they were at, and had the passion and boldness to let them know that the love of Jesus changes everything. In Logan’s first (and last) message he preached the day before his passing, he challenged a group of middle school students with this, “You have a choice to live for God and you have a voice that matters…what will you do with it?”.

Logan had just graduated from high school and was about to begin LifeChurch College, where he was ready to commit his entire life to the service of others as a minister. His desire was to create a lasting impact and our vision through the Logan Schaer Scholarship Fund is to pick up the baton right where he left off. Our prayer is for heaven to look different because of Logan.

So now what?
Logan lived life to the fullest and we want the scholarships and youth activities that are in his name to reflect what was important to him and most importantly, be used as an avenue to share the message and love of Jesus with others in the community. By donating to the Logan Schaer Scholarship Fund, you are making a lasting impact by helping to provide:


  • Annual scholarships for students to attend LifeChurchCollege
  • Church youth camp sponsorships
  • Community Recreational League Team Sponsorships (Make It Count Logan Award)
  • Make It Count Youth Video Game Tournaments
  • Fishing and outreach activities for kids


Our community is in need and it starts with us. It’s either all for nothing or it’s all for everything, and we choose to believe that it’s all for everything. Thank you for your help to carry on Logan’s legacy of loving Jesus and loving others fiercely. In Logan’s own words, we have the choice to live for God and we have a voice that matters so what are we going to do with it? We choose to MAKE IT COUNT and we are forever grateful for your partnership to continue what Logan has already started. Whether your “Make It Count” is a donation to the scholarship fund or simply a new found posture to love big like Logan did…we love you and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

For Logan is a ministry of Broken For Better